Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Updating my "dern blog already"!

My dear sweet daughter sent me an email with the above imperative, so here I go.
Her suggested motivator was this Given the choice, would you rather sleep in or eat a delicious breakfast? Is there any food you love so much that you'd wake up at dawn or travel a great distance just to eat it?.

Off the top of my head I think I would say I would rather sleep, since I am not really awake enough when I first get up to enjoy a good breakfast. So that answers the first question and really answers part one of the second as well. However food I would travel a great distance for is another story. I would travel great distance for a few foods; really good liver being one of them as well as a nice tender elk steak...my mouth is watering as I type :-)~ I think I might travel awhile to have See's fudge egg, or my mother's cream filled long johns. ( that would be a real long trip she is hopefully, in Heaven). These are things I can think of off the top of my head, given time I could have a much larger list but I won't take the time since I would probably end up craving something on the list so bad I blow my diet again. Since I am having a hard time taking off the weight I gained over the holidays, I will pass on taking that detour.

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This Blog Is

Like any refugee, I long for a new home to call my own, but my "homeland" of depression has a strong hold and sometimes I find myself teetering on the, nay slipping down, the edge of that awful pit God has brought me out of.

This blog is a way for me to work on the discipline of writing, and to voice my thoughts on my life and experiences on my journey to better health; mentally, physically and spiritually