Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Am A Kept Woman

Someone sent this to me and rather than do the whole forwarding thing I decided to share it this way. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

I Am a 'Kept' Woman.

You see, there were a few times when I thought I would lose my mind, but GOD kept me sane Isaiah 26

There were times when I thought I could go no longer, but the LORD kept me moving. Gen:28:15

At times, I've wanted to lash out at those whom I felt had done me wrong, but the LORD kept my mouth shut.Ps.13

Sometimes, I think the money just isn't enough, but GOD has helped me to keep the lights on, the water on, the car paid, the house paid, etc.., Matt 6 25-34:

When I thought I would fall, HE kept me up. When I thought I was weak, HE kept me strong! I Peter 5:7 and Matt 11:28-30
I could go on and on and on, but I'm sure you hear me! I'm blessed to be 'kept.'

Are you...or do you know a 'kept' woman?
If so pass it on to her to let her know she is 'Kept'

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Giveaway! I Am SO Excited About This!

I am going to have my very first giveaway! I have been given the honor of reviewing the new Matthew Paul Turner book Churched. I will be posting my review around the middle of October and in the mean time I want you readers to think of a brief summary of what you think of the book based on the reviews you have read thus far, publicity or perhaps from reading the book yourself. Leave your comments on my blog and I will use a random number generator to choose who will receive their very own copy of Churched. The deadline for leaving your comment will be the 17th of October.
I'm so excited!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Thought I Was Done With All This!

I have asthma; which for the last 6-8 months has been well controlled. I was able to stop taking Adavir, and put away the horrible noisy, hard to remember all the doses, nebulizer. I relegated it to the top of my closet in hopes of never laying eyes on it again. Well that was a silly thing to hope for but hope I did. This morning my hopes were dashed, shattered like so much fragile china, demolished and ground under heavy feet. I have been coughing and stuffy headed for over a week truth be told over 2 weeks I posted about it so I can't squirm out from under that one, But my mucus was clear so I figured no infection, so I didn't go to MD. Well Sunday it turned; boy did it turn. I, excuse the indelicacy of my words; hocked up the ugliest gunk I have seen in a months maybe a year or more. So, I called my MD and was told to come on in. When the MD saw me and listened to my lungs, out came the prescription pad. He started talking about all the medicine he was going to give me for my lungs so I said, oh, are my sinuses OK then? The only was I can describe his tone is to say I could have just as easily asked if the world is flat. He then asked me how long this had been going on again and when I told him at least a week, he scowled. When I tried to explain my reasoning, he rolled his eyes. Well! Excuse me for trying to save my insurance some money and not take up the time of already over worked health care professionals; oh who am I kidding. I know I should have gone as soon I started coughing. I would say I will do better next time but I think I have lied enough for one day.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

No More Dead Puppies, Please

You will have to look at the comments section to understand the title. No worries, no real animals were hurt or killed for the non-posting on this blog.
OK, dear one, you have my attention, though you may wish you had not accomplished thus very soon.
My mind has turned to jelly lately, heck my spirit seems to have turned to jelly these past few weeks. I don't know if anyone can identify with what I am getting at here. Of course my depressive self says" of course you couldn't possibly" but reality and the Holy Spirit, are saying " you are not alone in anything". I just feel like I have been drifting like so much flotsam. I feel disconnected and isolated, so I have disconnected and isolated myself; makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
What is wrong with me?! Why can't I push past all these things that are bugging me? I know no one is perfect, I know no group is perfect, so why can't I "get over it" to quote Sari Dolence. But then, if I am honest; which I must be becasue I demand it of others, do I want to get over it? Therein, is the rub you see. I am not sure I want to. I want someone to admit they are wrong. OK, I want someone to tell me I am right, and have been all along and now we will do it my way. Crap! Honesty is so bloomin" hard!
So I think I have spewed enough of my guts for now. The upside is God has snapped me out of it in a big way. Just pray I keep up the momentum, OK?
I'll catch up with you later, hopefully not too much later.

Too Good,? Will Find True Love? Hah!

This is good for a laugh or two. I found this via my daughter via FaceBook.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are part Belle. You are strong, deep, and you are not a slave to petty superficial things. You are independent and allow yourself to see inner beauty without sacrificing your values. You are almost too good of a person.

You are part Cinderella. You are hard-working and never complain, however, your trust is sometimes misplaced and people sometimes take advantage of you. Still, you are beautiful inside and out, and one day you will realize it and find true love.

Find Your Character @

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Should Never Forget

Today is a very sad anniversary. You should know it is the 7th anniversary of the worst act of terror on US soil. Including the 19 hijackers, 2,993 people died in the attacks. Another 24 are missing and presumed dead; bringing the probable total to 3017. Dead in a matter of minutes if not seconds, for no other reason than they showed up to work or do business.
My heart is heavy with the fear, turmoil, sorrow and anger that this day brought and is still bringing to our Nation. I hope I never become indifferent to the great loss that came with this day, and pray for softened hearts for those who may have done so.
I am praying for the families of these victims of terror, for our Nations leaders and our Soldiers. Won't you please do the same; whether you support the war or the President is not of import. What is important is that there are people who are still deep in grief, those are deeply angered and frustrated, those who are willing to sacrifice their very lives to insure our safety and those who struggling to make good decisions in a season of great turmoil.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not Dead Yet

Sorry for the delay in updating. I have been mulling over some things, stressing over some things and of late not feeling well. I seem to be reacting to something in the air these days and have a sore throat, coughing, and congestion. But so far no fever. I am a bit concerned about the color of what I am coughing up; but not to the point of asking total strangers about it ( Big Bang Theory reference. If you have never seen the show you should check it out sometime; way funny even if the theme song is wrong). All this by way of an excuse for staying away. But really it is more than that I just am not ready to talk about that here, at least not right now.

I was blessed beyond descripton this weekend at our church's Women''s Retreat. The guest speaker was a woman whose family were former members. God moved them away and I have really missed them. She is so real and so in love with Jesus it is contagious, and she is even more so now than the last time I saw her. She taught on prayer as the purpose of our daily lives, and it was challenging and comforting, and just plain WOW. I will write more later about it.

Today, I was blessed by reading this . Mostly because it fits my life so well right now. It never ceases to amaze me how God can use a dally reading plan set years ago, to speak to me in whatever circumstance I am in. No matter how my life may change, He never does and His Word is always relevant.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord. For now and ever more AMEN

Monday, September 1, 2008

4 months and counting

Finally, the update I promised.
I have been on the GI Diet for 4 months now. When I started I recorded my measurements, done myself so accuracy may not be perfect they will be listed first then the ones now.

Waist=59 inches - then
Hips 57 inches
Thigh (left)=36 inches

Waist 47 inches - now
Hips 57 inches
Thigh 26 1/2 inches

As you can see I still have a looonnggg way to go, but I am going in the right direction!
Ok here's the video.

This Blog Is

Like any refugee, I long for a new home to call my own, but my "homeland" of depression has a strong hold and sometimes I find myself teetering on the, nay slipping down, the edge of that awful pit God has brought me out of.

This blog is a way for me to work on the discipline of writing, and to voice my thoughts on my life and experiences on my journey to better health; mentally, physically and spiritually