Friday, February 27, 2009

Blog Tour Of The Echo Within by Robert Benson

This is an interesting little book. I would not call it theologically sound, yet it could be useful for one whom finds herself feeling unable to hear the voice of God. It would be a great starting point, as long as one did not stop here but went on to read her Bible and consult with her pastor. I feel the author stops short of getting into any real relevant spiritual meat. Whether this is because he does not have his own insight to provide it or is trying to appeal to a wider audience by not digging deeper I am not sure. I hope it is not the former. There is too much of a "I'm OK, You're OK" type of thing going on here. While God has created us and desires to be a part of our lives, we must realize that without the finished work of Jesus Christ; looking inside ourselves for answers will leave us empty and lost.

I was enchanted by Mr Benson's anecdotes from his life; as a child and as a grown person. I like his writing style, it seems as though he is sitting across from you in the room and having a conversation. It is well written, with just the right amount of humor to make it move along quickly and just enough personal whimsy to keep one turning the pages. I think I would like to someday check out some of his other works, as this is the first book of his I have read.
This would be good book to give to someone as long as you made sure they did not use it on it's own to discern direction.
This is the information from the publisher
The Echo Within is a profoundly affecting, honest look at the myriad ways we are drawn into our life’s best work.
Written out of his own lifelong search for and response to the calling voice of God, Robert Benson recounts his discovery of the meaning of vocation, work, and purpose through the ups and downs inherent in family life, professional choice, and spiritual experience. With clarity and insight, and in the elegant prose for which he is known, he gently invites and encourages readers to find such deep truths for their lives as well. In particular, he illuminates the way for readers to explore:
· ways to sense the Holy in our pursuits, both in the pursuits themselves and within ourselves.
· how to fall into our vocation and chart a course toward it at the same time.
· how to love the work we do, and the process of doing it.

Robert Benson has written more than a dozen books about the discovery of the sacred in the midst of our ordinary lives, including Between the Dreaming and the Coming True, Home By Another Way, and Digging In. His work has been critically acclaimed in a wide range of publications from The New York Times and USA Today to Spirituality & Health and The Benedictine Review. He is an alumnus of The Upper Room’s Academy for Spiritual Formation and was recently named a Living Spiritual Teacher by He lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

You can purchase this book at
or herehere.
Or you could have a chance at winning a copy of your own by commenting on this post. I will choose two comments by random number generator on March 14 Good luck!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blog Tour for, Outlaw Martial,by Al and JoAnna Lacy

A good deed grants outlaw Whipley Langford early release from prison and a friendship with Chief U.S. Marshal John Brockman. Another good deed gets Whip framed for murder and looking at life through a hangman’s noose. John arrives just in time to reveal the true murderers and lead Whip to Christ.

A new man and a fast draw, Whip becomes Brockman’s deputy. Life is still fast and dangerous, and there’s a pretty lady Whip would like to get to know better too. Before he admits his love, Whip is shot in a bank robbery. Survival looks slim until he awakens to hear his lady confess her love. Weeks later, they are married.

Readers who are familiar with the Journeys of the Stranger and Angel of Mercy series reunite with well-loved characters John and Breanna Brockman. Western history buffs will enjoy a wholesome, fast-paced story where the Gospel is presented clearly. Christian readers will learn how to lean on the Lord in times of trial and non-Christians will have the opportunity to make Christ their Savior.

About The Authors:

Al Lacy is an evangelist and author of more than one hundred historical and western novels, including the Journeys of the Stranger, Angel of Mercy, and Mail Order Bride series, with more than three million books in print. JoAnna Lacy, Al’s wife and longtime collaborator, is a retired nurse. The Lacys have been married over forty years and live in the Colorado Rockies.

You can purchase a copy here or here or, you can leave a comment on this post and have a chance at winning a copy of your own. Winner will be picked by random number generator the 7th of March.
Thank you for your continued support. Good luck!

The Rest Of The Story...

OK so last post my daughter had been fired from NARS for stealing gasp a plastic fork!
She went back to more hours at BK and started working on her resume. About a week afterward she went back to the job she had before NARS and filled in for the office manger while she was on her honeymoon. It was a tough few days for her because she knew once she was done, it would be goodbye forever to this job that she really really liked; she calls it "the best job ever" She worked Thursday and Friday then M-W of the next week. The following Friday her old boss called from "the best job ever" and told her the office manager had decided to quit and offered her the job! Not only does she get her old job back, she gets a promotion!
God is SO GOOD! We never would have even dreamed this were a possibility! Yet He knew the desire of her heart and He gave it to her. Praise His Awesome Name, the Lord God of all!

Once again, I want to thank all of those who have been praying for us. Your prayers are the very best gift you could give us and are treasured beyond what you could ever imagine. Thank you!

Most of all, thank God, from Whom all blessings flow. Glory be His Name!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stop That Thief, She Stole A Priceless Plastic....

I am overdue for an update, as usual. I am trying to do better, really I am!

I mentioned in an earlier post that my daughter was fired from her job. I didn't go into details at the time as I was deeply depressed at the time. But the details beg to be shared.
Those of you who don't know my daughter may not believe there is not more to the story, but trust me there is not. I would think the same thing of someone I didn't know if I were told something like the following. My daughter worked for National Asset Recovery Services, she started in August on last year. NARS has Cafeterias in their workplace but they are not open all shifts. She was working the 2-11 pm shift one Saturday about 2 weeks ago,and brought a salad to work. The cafeteria wasn't open but since other times she had brought a salad and they had given her a fork, she simply hopped over the counter and grabbed a fork. Almost a week later she was called in from her desk and told she what she had done constituted breaking and entering and robbery and she was immediately fired.

She had NEVER been in trouble before, never been late for work, had just earned a free jeans for a week pass for doing well at her job the day before. Like I said, if I didn't' know her I would think, she had to have been messing up all along. It still amazes me, and everyone I tell thinks I am joking at first. I wish I were! Some have chastised her for not fighting it, but for what? Why would one want to work for someone who treats valuable employees like this?

Sigh, we were both stunned and discouraged for awhile. She went back to her old standby BK, whom she was still working for part time anyway, and started working on her resume. Stay tuned for the happy conclusion to this saga. Also coming soon, more blog tours and giveaways.

In the meantime, please pray for me and for her, that we will not hold bitterness in our hearts over this and allow the enemy a foothold in our lives.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Believing and Praising God

Not surprisingly,in light of my recent posts; I have fallen behind in the my Bible studies. But God has been gracious to me and given me the ambition to start getting caught up this week. I watched a video of Session 7 from the Believing God Study, by Beth Moore this morning and if you have not done this study you need to get it, find out where it is being done in your area or do it online. It is amazing! I have let Satan keep me defeated and away from this and now I know why he has wanted me away from it so bad. I cannot begin to put into words the impact of this study on my viewpoint, on my heart. It's seems almost as though Beth wrote this study just for me, just for this time in my life. God's Word is powerful, God is powerful and this study reminds us of that; that the God of the Bible is not limited as we tend to think He is. The God of the Bible says that we as believers have working in us the same power that raised Christ from the dead. Yet I for one, don't live as though that is true. Who am I to call God a liar? Who am I to set limits on the One Who knows no limits? He promises us so much more than I am receiving. But praise His Holy Name, He doesn't hold that against me. Instead He simply holds out His arms and says, "Come child, start over from here". HALLELUJAH Praise God Almighty. I am free!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

There is nothing I can say that would be better that
so read and contemplate. If you aren't a single girl, oh well. It still applies to you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And The Winner is....

For the Chantel Hobbs books The random number generator picked number 1 so Jonathan Cardwell wins. However, since Jonathan is my son and intends only to sell what he gets I am going to split the pack and award The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer to the other commenter. So congratulations to Jonathan and Dawn. If you will email me your information I will get your books to you. Thanks for your support.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Love is in the air... The Valentines Blog Tour

In his book Love As a Way of Life , best-selling author Gary Chapman shows readers how to cultivate a new lifestyle built around the seven characteristics of authentic love. Now in a companion devotional, he provides ninety inspirational readings to help Christians consistently live out the characteristics of love in every relationship.

Each devotional entry showcases biblical truths that guide a life of love, offering fresh insight and practical guidance in how to make love a lasting habit. Over the course of three months, readers will learn to follow God’s lead as they practice the characteristics of a loving person: kindness, patience, forgiveness, courtesy, humility, generosity, and honesty.

The Love As a Way of Life Devotional makes an ideal gift for the holidays or for any special occasion. Couples, parents, new graduates, and anyone celebrating a milestone in life will welcome this inspiring daily guide to richer, more satisfying relationships.

Author Bio:

Dr. Gary Chapman is the author of twenty-six books, including the New York Times bestseller The Five Love Languages, with more than 4 million copies in print. His daily radio program, A Love Language Minute, is broadcast on more than 100 stations nationwide. Dr. Chapman, a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Wheaton College, Wake-Forest University, and Southwestern Seminary, serves on a church staff in North Carolina.

I have just begun to read this and it has already made me cry. It is chock full of wonderful reminders of God's love for us and how that can and should affect our daily lives. If you have read any of Dr Chapman's other works, you have some idea of how eloquent he is, yet you will be encouraged and challenged afresh in this amazing little book. If you have not read Dr Chapman before, let this be the first taste of his insight, then go on and find his other books for more.

You may know the routine by now; leave a comment for a chance to receive a free copy of Love As A Way Of Life. I will select a winner on Valentines Day by random number generator.

You can purchase this book here

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pinpricks Enlarging

Well I managed to drag myself to church (late) today for the first time in 3 weeks. I didn't make it to the other services but came in just before the Pastoral Prayer so I got to hear the special music and participate in Worship. The music was nice, though the Praise Band on today performs more than lead, but it was much better than not going at all.
I have been telling people who ask how I have been, more than in passing , the truth; that I am depressed and not doing well. I don't know why, but I have a hard time admitting my struggles to most people,especially emotional ones. But I am figuring out, duh, that if no one knows, no one can pray, which is what is going to help more than anything.
I managed to pop my knee out while working in AWANA this evening so now I dealing with that pain and swelling and aggravation. Add that to my back and legs screaming at me for all the shoveling I did after the storm here and trying to catch up on laundry; why am I always behind?
And yet today overall I have to say, has been a better day, a brighter day as I am allowing God's Love to penetrate my cold and lonely heart.
Once again, thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pinpricks Of Light

My sweet daughter shared a song with me earlier this evening. I have listened to it three times now,and am beginning to feel the Light penetrating.

Thank you dear daughter, thank you to those who have commented, and prayed, and thank YOU God. Please let me feel Your love.">


It swirls around me
And I can't see
The path I'm on
Much less where I should be

It seeps into
Every thought and deed
It chokes out the hardiest
Most viral seed

And just when the blackness
Seems at it's peak
It deepens and thickens
All hope to cease

Now it's not just around me
But in me as well
Can there be anything worse
Save being in hell?

My spirit is crushed
My ambition long lost
Once I dared hope
And look at the cost!

Through this darkness I travel
Bruised, battered and worn
No light on the horizon
No sunlight to mourn

I know God is with me
But silent He remains
As the tears echo softly
Like a lullabies' refrain.

I know I'll not perish
From this journey I take
But it is what I I wish for
For everyone's sake.

CarolAnn Cardwell Feb 6, 2009

My daughter was fired from her job today. The hits just keep on coming.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Walls of Silence

It is said one's job as a parent is never done and I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. But one can't parent a child forever either and therein is the conundrum.
When one's child becomes an adult and one has not raised them as in the best of ways most of their lives; one is faced with a lot of drama.
I find myself, as a parent who made a ton of mistakes, with seeing my daughter suffer for those mistakes. Not just that, but since my failures(along with those of her father's) have instilled in her a deep lack of trust; she also will not talk to me about her struggles. She doesn't believe that there is nothing she could do that would make me stop loving her, and she doesn't believe I can help her. Her belief is founded in how she saw me most of her childhood. I have been profoundly depressed most of her life and when she needed me most, I was often too caught up in my own pain to notice, and now I fear the same thing is happening again. I have been going through an especially hard time with depression for over 4 months and I have just been struck with this odd feeling the last few days that something has happened, that I have once again missed some pivotal time event or struggle in her life. I see her hurting and I hurt for her, but we pass through our days in silence, pretending our respective walls of pain are merely small hills or bumps.
Trust is an issue for me as well, though I deal express it differently. I tend to give everyone trust just so I watch them break that trust proving to myself that I was right all along and no one can be trusted. My daughter on the other hand holds on to trust like it was precious jewels that she must guard with her life. She would rather die than relinquish it.
How can we learn to stop being the people our past has made us and learn to be the people God knows we can be?

This Blog Is

Like any refugee, I long for a new home to call my own, but my "homeland" of depression has a strong hold and sometimes I find myself teetering on the, nay slipping down, the edge of that awful pit God has brought me out of.

This blog is a way for me to work on the discipline of writing, and to voice my thoughts on my life and experiences on my journey to better health; mentally, physically and spiritually