Friday, September 21, 2012

Am I Really That Picky?


My definitions of cleaning and chores. Not all inclusive, if you have questions I don't answer here let me know.
Clean Kitchen involves gathering up all dirty dishes and washing them in the hottest water you can stand. If there are a lot of dishes use the white tub under the sink for rinse water. You don't need to dry the dishes unless you need to make room for more dishes in the drainer. On days you are going to wash the drainer you need to put away any dishes already in it and wash the drainer prior to washing dishes. While you still have dish water, wipe down counters. Use baking soda to remove stains on the counter tops and use appliance /glass cleaner to clean stove top if it is excessively messy. If you use appliance cleaner please put the dish rag you used in the laundry room to be washed after you are done. Also clean out microwave, and wipe off the outside of it. If inside is excessively messy put a tablespoon of baking soda in a 1 cup glass measuring cup and place inside the microwave and push the beverage button twice. When this is done carefully remove the cup and wipe out the microwave. Make sure you rinse your rag and wring it out well for final wipe down.
When you are done with the dishes, counters and table etc. you can ready for sweeping by putting chairs up on the table if this is a day for that. Then dust the top of the frig, and top and shelf of the microwave stand and the coffee cart. See dusting for more info.
Once all this is done you can start a load of wash and start sweeping.

Sweep swiffer and mop involves moving smaller furniture and sweeping under larger furniture. Kitchen table should be cleaned off as well as chairs and then the chairs placed in top the table before sweeping kitchen. Pick up and shake out all rugs and put them up until done. Sweep with broom, then use swiffer to catch remaining hair; taking care to get corners and under cabinets. Next you mop with the steam mop; USE ONLY DISTILLED WATER. If water is getting low please write on the grocery list on frig so I know to get it at the store. While mopping carry a couple of paper towels to wipe up hair that may accumulate in corners and under cabinets etc.
When I indicate just sweep then all you need do is sweep or swiffer, your choice, without the furniture moving

Vacuum applies to both bedrooms. Make sure you use attachments to get corners and against walls. Closet should be vacuumed as well. Empty the canister after every use of vacuum cleaner. Once a month you should remove canister and filters and wash them in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Let dry on rag in laundry room.

Deep Clean Bathrm involves shaking out rug, examining it for dirt or stains , if dirty put in laundry room. You will have to wash it with the other scatter rugs, in cold water and on delicate. Use bluing. Use toilet bowl cleaner on the inside of the toilet and let is soak. Remove bath mat from tub and use the magic reach with pad dampened with water to clean tub, tile and wall above. Make sure you get the tops of the tile area all around and remove bottles from shelves and wipe them off with a rag and replace them. Remove any empty bottles you find in the shower curtain pocket and put them with the recycling. Throw away lids. Every other month you need to remove the clear shower curtains and wash them with bleach. While rod is down give it a good scrubbing.
Remove the wand from magic reach and scrub sink and counter top. Make sure you thoroughly scrub behind and around faucet. If cleaning baseboard use toothbrush from under the sink and pay special attention to corners and crevices. Go back over everything with a dry rag to make sure they are dry and hair free.
Replace magic reach pad with new one and wash down walls and door.
Use toothbrush to get into corners and crevices .
Use bowl brush on toilet and wipe down outside of toilet. Make sure you get behind toilet, move plunger and clean where it was throw away pad it was sitting on. Also wash out the caddy for the bowl brush. Go back over area with dry rags dry and remove hair. When you are finished with the magic reach pad use it replace the pad plunger was sitting on.
This should be the last place you mop when bathroom is all clean.

Light Clean Bathrm you can just clean the toilet and sink and tub. No walls etc.

Polish wood involves washing wood furniture, baseboards and wood finials etc. with Murphy's Oil Soap and using toothbrush in crevices etc. Go back over with non soapy damp rag and then let dry for a little while. Get the Liquid Gold spray and use generously and rub in with clean lint free rag.

Well, well, well. Is anyone still following this? I am sorry I have been silent so very long. I will blame my ancient (really 7 yrs old is ancient?) desktop computer. It is so slow that by the time I would actually get my blog to load I was too frustrated to actually write anything! However, I now have no excuse because when my beautiful daughter finally came to visit me from the deep south she brought me her old laptop computer. Funny that is works great and it is almost twice as old as the desktop. So sans that excuse maybe I will get back to posting more regularly, but for tonight I will have to make this all I write because I am very tired. God bless you if haven't given up on me. Post a comment and let me know you're out there ok? Thanks TTFN

This Blog Is

Like any refugee, I long for a new home to call my own, but my "homeland" of depression has a strong hold and sometimes I find myself teetering on the, nay slipping down, the edge of that awful pit God has brought me out of.

This blog is a way for me to work on the discipline of writing, and to voice my thoughts on my life and experiences on my journey to better health; mentally, physically and spiritually