Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I pray your day is filled with family and friends, and that your hearts are filled with awe and wonder for all you have to be thankful for.

I have so very much to be thankful for this year.
Our church has a Thanksgiving eve service which is informal and allows us to worship in music then just express our thanks as each is moved and desires to. This year was, as years passed past a blessing. It was different in that I did not say anything. It is not that I am not thankful, and I have been puzzling over why it is that I kept quiet. I think it is because God is teaching me that I am not a grateful person and it would have inappropriate for me to say something right now in light of all that is going on in my heart and spirit right now. I am not sure if that makes sense or not; I am thankful but I am not humble in my thankfulness and I pray that by next year at this time God will have molded me into someone like many of those who spoke, or were spoken of, this evening.
That said I have much to be thankful for and here goes the list ( not in any particular order):
First and foremost I thank God for His relationship with me; for what He sacrificed in order for that to be possible and the enormous help, comfort, provision and more He is to me. Thank You Jesus, for Your love. Next, for my children, I am so very blessed to have two adult children that I get to see on a daily or almost daily basis. I see so many folks with kids so far away, and though I know I may have a season like that someday I do so thank God for now, this time with me precious children. They really seem to genuinely appreciate dear ole mom, and my daughter even lets me live with her! Words cannot express how blessed I feel about my children. They are so much more than I ever could have imagined they would be, I am so very proud to have been allowed to be their mother.
Additionally, I am so thankful for my adoption, not only by God as mentioned, but by my mom. Not many people get two moms, and thought she is not a replacement for my mother, Della has been the best mom anyone could hope for and then some. She embodies love, she would lay down her life for her children, and she makes no distinciton in her mind or her heart that I am one of hers.
I am thankful for a church that teaches the Bible, unapologetically and humbling proclaiming the Truth.
I am thankful for my dogs, who give me companionship, entertainment, and purpose and expect so little in return, for a more that adequate home filled with not only necessities but many, many luxuries, one of which is being used to make this entry. I am thankful for heat in the cold and air conditioning in the heat, my doctor putting me on the road to a healthy life and the means to make it happen. I'm thankful for a big back yard for my dogs and the ability to take care of it fairly well. I am thankful I don't have use a nebulizer every day anymore, and for medication that enables me to function. I am thankful for BSF and Beth Moore Bible studies, for my Daily Bible and the ability God has given me to be faithful to it. I am thankful for the car God gave us. I am thankful for successful surgeries and the grace to deal with what was not successful. I am grateful for my friends, for books, for music. I am thankful for my life, my country, my state my neighborhood. I am thankful for all this and so much more. God is SO good to me! May I not spend one more minute thinking of what I do not have; for I have all I need and SO MUCH MORE!
Praise God from Whom all blessing flows!

Friday, November 21, 2008

How will they know

This thought has been rattling around in my head today; of those who know or think I am a Christian, how do they know? Do they know because I told them? Do they believe I am because they see me headed out the door with a Bible on Sunday morning?Does anyone know I am Christian because of my actions? Do the Scripture magnet on my car and the Christian radio station sticker match up with my attitude when I am driving and when I get of out the car? I am sad to say; I don't think so. I don't know a lot of people. I don't get out a lot but I have neighbors. Do I make any effort to get to know them, let them know I care? What do they hear coming from my home? Do they hear blessings to others and praises to my God? How often do they hear me raise my voice in anger and frustration?
Oh Lord, my God I hang my head in disgrace at the way I my life speaks of Your grace. Create in me, my God a clean and open heart that shines forth Your love, and renew Your Spirit of compassion within me. Fill me with Your love, that my life and mouth may speak only of Your truth and grace.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Love is...

This has been the title of our sermon in church for the last month. We are in I Corinthians, chapter 13 of course. I don't think I will ever look at the love chapter the same again. I have always seen it like a pretty song and though it is that it has become much more. Every Sunday I have sat in my seat and been pummeled by God's Word and this last Sunday was a knock out match. It literally brought me to my knees; those who know me know this is not something that happens if I have any choice I do not get on my knees because it is like kneeling on glass shards. Yet there I was, pouring out repentance and begging for God to fill me with this love that I have realized I do not have. I am nothing, I am like clashing cymbals. What I call love is not even worthy to be called a shadow the real thing.
Please pray for me as I learn afresh what love is and that it will pour forth from my life , at least a fraction of the measure of the grace God pours out me minute by minute.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not A Religion But A Relationship

I have been mulling this one over for a month or so.

One hears the phrase "It is a relationship not a religion" when talking to others about their salvation. It is said so much that like most of Christianese it can start to sound trite. What does it mean, really? What is the difference between religion and relationship? Why do Christians want there to be a distinction? These are some of the questions I would like to address and hopefully they will help someone answer this question in the future and I would love to hear if anyone sees it differently.

Religion is by definition is
a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

while the definition for relationship is this

1The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
2. Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
3. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other: has a close relationship with his siblings.
4. A romantic or sexual involvement.

So let us look at religion and which definition is connoted when one says she is religious. Of course one may think of 1a but most likely not, since many people who claim not to be religious say they believe in a higher power. So next we look at 1b, 2, 3 and 4 and get a little closer to the mark. One can see how these can fit many Christians who attend regular church activities, but also many other religions as well such as Islam, or Buddhism. The practices are based on the teachings of a spiritual leader, have regular activities, or requirements to adhere to, and often is connected with some sort of institutionalized system such as a church or a mosque.

So one can say she is religious and not be saying she is a Christian, and one can say she is a Christian and not attend church regularly and say she is not religious; is that not so? However one easily sees the confusion that arises on one who is neither religious nor Christian when we say we are not in a religion. Are we delusional or just nit picky? If we are devout in our walk with Christ, we appear on all counts to be religious, so why can't we just admit it and be done with it?

Perhaps looking at the definition of realtionship will help us, look at it again

1The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
2. Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
3. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other: has a close relationship with his siblings.
4. A romantic or sexual involvement.

Are we all relatives in our church? Well according to the Bible we are, by adoption we are all God's children. Next, connection by blood, again, yes the blood of Christ is what made our adoption possible. Three is pretty much the same as number one we have dealings with one another as a local church and sometimes as part of the Church, that is the Body, by serving in missions, attending events in other churches and the like. Lastly there is number 4, a romantic involvement yes some people are definitely, completely desperately, in love with Jesus Christ. If we are not, we ought to want to be.The Church is referred to as the Bride of Christ; oh yes definitely a romantic connection.

Now, there we have it. If one calls me, as Christian, religious I need not take offense or correct them harshly but point out that none of the definitions of religion have to define a Christian. However, that said we need to consider the fact that while it is good to remember religion cannot save one, that being religious in our Christian walk is beneficial nay necessary, for the health and growth of ones relationship. One can be none of those things yet have a relationship with his Savior. The relationship may not be all it could be but it can still exist.
So the next time this comes up I hope this little "lesson" helps you explain a little better why we prefer not be referred to simply as religious. As for me I would say with my head high: "why yes I am religious about maintaining a healthy, vibrant relationship with the love of my life, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did you vote? I did!

I have chosen to exercise my right as as citizen of the United States of America to vote my conscience. I am praying that every one else does the same.
There is a lot of smack talk going on out there and sadly much of it is coming from Christians. The message at our church this week was a continuation of I Corinthians chapter 13, explaining what love is. It was not and has never been a message on voting, candidates in the elections, issues, or anything else related to politics; as I believe is best for all churches. Your pastor has no business using the pulpit to proclaim anything other than God's Word. Does this mean I think Christians need to stay out of politics? It most certainly does not; it does mean I think we need to first understand that politics is a world issue, not an issue of the Kingdom of Heaven of which we are first and foremost citizens of. We have a kind of dual citizenship, and our citizenship in Heaven takes precedence over our citizenship in the world.
If you live in the United States you have the right to vote and with that right you have an obligation to use it. But you also have a power above any political figure to answer to, to ask for help and to count on in all times, hard, good or otherwise. I like the way John Piper puts it in the latter part of this video. He says some sort of controversial things in the beginning, but for the most part he is spot on.
. God is sovereign, and I'm sorry if you are one those people who would say this means God elected Hitler. God doesn't elect people, but His Word tells us in Romans 13 that He appoints the authorities that exist. Do I claim to understand why someone like Hitler was allowed to gain power and murder countless innocent people? No I do not understand, but I can find nothing in God's Word that tells me I must understand. I am only told to know He is God, and believe.
So vote, relax and trust that God is in control no matter who wins the election and lets refrain from rude comments and accusations to those whom we find didn't vote the same way we did, for as it was pointed out to me recently love is not rude.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

And the winner is

The only person who left a comment wins Churched. Congratulations angelleslament.

This Blog Is

Like any refugee, I long for a new home to call my own, but my "homeland" of depression has a strong hold and sometimes I find myself teetering on the, nay slipping down, the edge of that awful pit God has brought me out of.

This blog is a way for me to work on the discipline of writing, and to voice my thoughts on my life and experiences on my journey to better health; mentally, physically and spiritually