Sunday, April 26, 2009

My" Dream" Son in Law

My Dear Sweet Daughter asked me a question this week that has been on my mind for quite some time. I was driving at the time, and because it has been on my mind I put her off. I wanted to make sure I had time to devote to her answer. The question she asked me was what do I want for her in a husband?
For reasons to be explained at a later time, this is an issue I have felt the need to address soon, and had even thought about writing a blog post about it. I think her question was conformation for me that I was on the right track.
What do I want in a husband for my only daughter, my baby girl, my Sweetpea? Perfection of course!
OK, not possible, I know, so more realistically; he must be a Believer in redeeming grace bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. The man I want my daughter to marry would love Jesus first and foremost and care more about serving and obeying Him than anything, even her. That said he would treasure her above riches or fame and never cease to honor and cherish her. He would be motivated to provide an income as well as serving in church, which he would attend regularly. He would a hungry student of God's Word studying daily and would pray with her every morning before work and every evening before bed. The man I would hope to have marry my little girl, would understand her weaknesses, and work with her to improve on what she wants and needs to improve while maintaining her dignity. He would readily notice her strengths and help her find ways to utilize her gifts and talents for the Body Of Christ as well as her own edification. He would understand her genetic concerns and wholeheartedly embrace her desire to adopt children and work hard to make that happen at the right time. This man would love her and give his life for her, just as Christ loved him and gave Himself for him, and through this Danielle would know the love of God so clearly it would fill the hole she has had in her spirit ever since her father abandoned her.
Now, please understand, I don't expect all of these qualities right off the bat. I understand maturity needs to develop. But I do believe he should be close to the same level of spiritual maturity as she is. I say this because God's Word says we should not be unequally yoked; see 2 Corinthians . While this says unbelievers I think it also sound advice period. If you yoke two animals with a large difference in strength, over time the animal pulling harder ( the weaker one) will balk. The same is true of people of different maturity levels etc. This reference in Corinthians goes back to a prohibition of yoking animals of different species together, which is what we and unbelievers truly are, and I don't mean to take away from that basic meaning of this verse. I mean only to add an application to the one already obvious.
There it is dear child, I pray you will take this in the spirit offered. Not one of judgment, criticism, or cynicism, but one of caring, concern and hope for the the very best. The rest of you can just wonder about why I chose to write about this at this time. I can tell you, that if there is something to know, it will be revealed in due time.
That said I just want to add that I am very proud of my daughter. I have not always liked her choices, because I knew those choices would end up hurting her. I have not always, in fact more like seldom, done a good job of communicating my unconditional love to her, but it is there. There is absolutely nothing she could do that would make me stop loving her or love her less.
I thank God every day for my children, for they have been my hope, my reason for living, in the days before I knew Christ they were what kept me alive. I do not deserve the boundless blessings they have been to me, I cannot take credit for their kindness and generosity. They got the raw end of the deal in the parent department, yet in spite of that have learned love and taught; are teaching, me to love better. Thank You God, thank You!


  1. Your post brought tears to my eyes. Not of sadness, but of looking into the future and wanting that for my girls. Thank you so much for posting. Brandy

  2. Ah, P.S. --

    Thank you. I love you. You're awesome.


This Blog Is

Like any refugee, I long for a new home to call my own, but my "homeland" of depression has a strong hold and sometimes I find myself teetering on the, nay slipping down, the edge of that awful pit God has brought me out of.

This blog is a way for me to work on the discipline of writing, and to voice my thoughts on my life and experiences on my journey to better health; mentally, physically and spiritually